
Jesper Nordin, Pendants cd album cover
Jesper Nordin, Pendants, album cover

Jesper Nordin

LabelPhono Suecia PSCD 192
Release: june, 2012

Nominated at Contemporary Sound 2013 for Best Art Music Recording award

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The meaning of the word Pendants in English: “jewellery,” “pendants of a crystal chandelier” or ” bells” and in French “meanwhile” or “while awaiting” are all fitting descriptions of the music of Jesper Nordin. In the final part of Pendants Asian bells are pending and clashing improvised and freely , just in the way Jesper Nordin composes.

The question of the creative moment is paramount to Jesper Nordin. He has turned a digital drawing tablet into an instrument for improvisation.

Another line is tracing back to the end of the 1950’s when Giacinto Scelsi seduced music out of his keyboard, an ondiola. Nordin has been making improvisational music for years. At the same time we must add to more pieces to the puzzle. Firstly Nordin comes from an extremely old family of folk musicians. Secondly, his first musical steps were taken in a completely different genre: punk. These musical worlds might seem irreconcilable, but in Nordin’s case they provide an extremely intricate soundbox to delve into.