“I love Gageego!”

Publikröster i Göteborgs symfonikers magasin Podiet

Music without listening anxiety

The feeling of being able to move the audience by what Gageego! do, that’s always a great thing. We’re often told that the ground-breaking, contemporary music that Gageego! performs goes right in, without being filtered through pre-understandings and notions of how everything must be.

In the new general programme for the season of  2021 – 2022 for the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra, we’ve found this nice quote from a regular visitor in the concert hall:

I love Gageego!. There’s something in my rural background – that I did’t grow up with Bach and Beethoven and that I ought to know more about music. But with Gageego! I feel that I can ignore any pretensions or pressure to ‘understand’, because the music is experimental and innovative and always gives rise to new thoughts. It’s easy to get stuck in rigid perceptions, but here I realize that, well, music can sound like this, too.

Aina Nordqvist in Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra’s general programme for 2021 – 2022

Read the whole article here (Swedish only)!