Gageego! giggar

Festkonsert för ICMA

ICMA:s (International Computer Music Association) konferens Göteborg

Cristopher Burns The Location of Six Geometric Figures
Oliver Schneller Aqua Vit
Giorgio Klauer Cavalcanti ist nicht der Dichter
Marc Ainger Singing Hills
Rajmil Fischman No Me Quedo…
João Pedro Oliveira Íris


i ICMA:s nättidskrift 7 oktober 2002 av Paul Rudy
”The obvious enthusiasm of the players in Gageego! (players from the Gothenburg Symphony and Opera orchestras, as well as freelance musicians, all with a passion for new music), and preparedness of conductor Gunno Palmquist, also leant to the huge success of the evening.”
”… (ensemble Gageego! led by talented conductor Gunno Palmquist) was of
the highest level I have seen at any conference or festival. These folks really nailed it!”