Tag: Celebrating-20
Review in Seismograf
Danish Seismograf/DMT – dubbing itself the oldest and most modern music magazine in Scandinavia – reviewed Gageego!’s Nordic concert recently. The ensemble is praised for a gritty choice of music and a […]
Review: “Unison jungle roars”
Critic Martin Nyström från Stockholm daily DN visited Gageego!’s jubilee concert – and he liked what he heard. The review also includes a super compact recap of the 20 first years of Gageego!, from the first concert to todays position as […]
A performance by choreographer Gun Lund, E=mc² Dance and music ensemble Gageego! Music by Luciano Berio, Victor Varela and Lars Sandberg. Dancers: Gunilla Jansson, Adèle St-Aubin, Karin Taliga, Åsa Thegerström. Musicians: […]
Review: “Superbly performed”
More acknowledgments from major Swedish daily DN, noting “the teeming world of sound, superbly performed by Gageego! under David Björkman’s leadership, which in itself is worth the visit. “ DN visited the Swedish premiere of Prospero’s […]
Gageego! swag to celebrate in
Crazy from all these 20-years-celebrations, we have been persuaded to offer Gageego!-merchandise. So, be sure to dress up in our comfy tees! They are made to order, deliveries can take […]