1998/11/17 @ 19:00 – 20:30

Gageego! and Sixten Nordström on a tour of western Sweden, focused on the contemporary music of the 20th century.
With equal parts knowledge and humor, Sixten Nordström guides us through our eventful musical age. We hear the truth about how Karl-Erik Welin sawed himself in the leg during a concert – an horrific event that followed him for the rest of his life. But also about the tragic circumstances surrounding the creation of Alban Berg’s violin concerto, or about the scandals surrounding Schönberg and his disciples in the childhood of twelve-tone music.
The journey starts with the “last” romantic, Richard Strauss, visits Schönberg and his student Berg and Bartók. Stockhausen, Messiaen and the American Morton Feldman have been chosen among the big names of the post-war generation. Swedish modern music is represented by Sven-Erik Bäck and Lars Johan Werle to finally land in the simmering 90’s and one of the most notable composers on Swedish soil in recent years, Fredrik Österling.
Richard Strauss Zerbinetto aria from Adriane auf Naxos excerpts from: Arnold Schönberg Pierrot Lunaire Kammarsymfonie opus 9 (arr Anton Webern) Alban Berg Violinkonzert Béla Bartok Kontraste Morton Feldman Duration 2 Olivier Messiaen Mode de valeurs et d’intensité Sven-Erik Bäck Tranfjädrarna Lars Johan Werle Nattjakt from Lyriska sånger Karlheinz Stockhausen Klavierstück XI Steve Reich Clapping Music Fredrik Österling Nature Morte
The tour is produced by Musik i Väst in collaboration with local concert organizers. Five of the tour’s concerts are also part of The Chamber Music Federation of Sweden’s youth initiative “Young ears”.