Stenungsund kammarmusikfestival

Salong Modern

1998/07/03 All day

Stenungsund kammarmusikfestival

The contemporary music of the 20th century, presented by Sixten Nordström.

Richard Strauss  All mein Gedanken • Du meines Hertzens Krönelein • Kling! excerpts from: Arnold Schönberg  Pierrot Lunaire Kammarsymfonie opus 9 (arr Anton Webern) Alban Berg  Violinkonzert Béla Bartók  Kontraste Olivier Messiaen  Mode de valeurs et d’intensités Sven-Erik Bäck  Tranfjädrarna Karlheinz Stockhausen  Klavierstück 11 Morton Feldman  Durations 2 Steve Reich  Clapping Music Lars Johan Werle  Nattjakt Fredrik Österling  Nature Morte


in Göteborgs-Posten 5 July 1998 Width and ambition in Stenungsund, Håkan Dahl “… The gang in and around Gageego! has shown his eminent ability to present today’s music on many previous occasions. This time they had gone a step further. A sounding textbook in the diverse history of 20th century music; all hosted by Sixten Nordström… ”

The concert is part of Stenungsund’s Chamber Music Festival, produced by the municipality of Stenungsund and Musik i Väst.

Fregatten 2
Stenungsund, 444 30 Sverige
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